Studio RAP

Studio RAP is provided combining various recorded elements and playing around with the sounds to see what sounds best. Understanding your rap genre, preferences, and style to come up with something that is authentic and unique to the message you are trying to convey. Technologies: ReactJS, NodeJS, AdobeXD, Payment Integration, MongoDB,  Amazon AWS, RestAPI

Studio RAP

Studio RAP is provided combining various recorded elements and playing around with the sounds to see what sounds best. Understanding your rap genre, preferences, and style to come up with something that is authentic and unique to the message you are trying to convey. Optimizing and balancing out all mixes and adding the final touches by elevating certain parts or sonic aspects of the track. Get to listen to your mastered track and make one final round of changes before obtaining the final piece.



At EZONE, our focus is not just setting up your business but creating a meaningful business experience for you where you are supported from initiation to execution. When you work with us, we aspire to give you paramount service that surpasses your expectations. Technologies: PHP 8.0, WordPress, MySQL, Adobe XD, Contact Form7, ZohoCRM API, Forminator, JQuery, CSS, Elementor


At EZONE, our focus is not just setting up your business but creating a meaningful business experience for you where you are supported from initiation to execution. When you work with us, we aspire to give you paramount service that surpasses your expectations. Welcome to the EZONE Experience, where your every need is fulfilled. Feel the ease and be assured that what we do is specially curated for you. EZONE’s Initiative aims to bring communities together where entrepreneurs are able to contribute to the restoration of the environment through our company. By setting up a business with EZONE, you can preserve nature and be part of the green evolutionary movement.


With AccountAbility, all that is essential for taking your business to the next level is at your disposal, offering our knowledge, experience, solutions and range of services tailored specific to you and your needs as both a person and a business. Technologies: PHP 8.0, WordPress,  MySQL, Adobe XD, Contact Form7, ZohoCRM API, Forminator, JQuery, CSS, Elementor


With AccountAbility, all that is essential for taking your business to the next level is at your disposal, offering our knowledge, experience, solutions and range of services tailored specific to you and your needs as both a person and a business. We recognize that accounting has become more than just a way to record transactions, but a plan to realize every opportunity for your business.



Baemingo is tomorrow’s checkout platform for payments, interactions and loyalty. User-friendly solutions that help you grow restaurants. We know the restaurant industry. Many of us have worked for a long time in the industry and tackled their challenges together with restaurateurs and entrepreneurs. Your daily business is what we care about. Tehcnologies: Gatsby , NodeJS, AdobeXD, MongoDB, Amazon AWS, RestAPI


Baemingo is tomorrow’s checkout platform for payments, interactions and loyalty.

User-friendly solutions that help you grow restaurants. We know the restaurant industry. Many of us have worked for a long time in the industry and tackled their challenges together with restaurateurs and entrepreneurs. Your daily business is what we care about.

Baemingo was founded in 2016 where we have built our platform based on the challenges we have seen and experienced in the majority of industries. We ourselves have solid experience in restaurant operations, which means that we know what passion and hard work lies behind successful concepts, chains and smaller restaurants.


A Liusie General Trading Company is a leading distributor of top-quality brands across the region. With a strong commitment to excellence, we have established a reputation for delivering outstanding products and services to our valued customers. Technologies: PHP 8.0, WordPress, MySQL, Adobe XD, Contact Form7, Animation Tool, Flipbook, WP Forms, JQuery, CSS, Elementor.


A Liusie General Trading Company is a leading distributor of top-quality brands across the region. With a strong commitment to excellence, we have established a reputation for delivering outstanding products and services to our valued customers. Our extensive distribution network and dedicated team of professionals have helped us to become a trusted name in the industry. We’re building one of the most transformative consumer products companies in the Middle East.


SahlHub is a cloud food management system, providing full restaurant management from scratch to end-user. SahlHub is a cloud-based food gateway that offers a comprehensive restaurant management system for all food and beverage businesses. Technologies: PHP 8.0, WordPress, MySQL, Adobe XD, Contact Form7, Animation Tool, WP Forms, JQuery, CSS, Elementor.


SahlHub is a cloud food management system, providing full restaurant management from scratch to end-user. SahlHub is a cloud-based food gateway that offers a comprehensive restaurant management system for all food and beverage businesses. It is designed to help restaurants streamline their operations and improve the overall customer experience. SahlHub restaurant management system is a comprehensive solution for managing orders and payments across multiple channels.



Koinonia is Social Media Platform which is family friendly, privacy protected and your faith is uncensored. It has Live Streaming feature through you can Go Live and also you can check out saved videos. Technologies: Custom Website Development, Portal Development, Custom Application Development, Application Migration, Content Management Systems, Dynamic Websites.


Koinonia is Social Media Platform which is family friendly, privacy protected and your faith is uncensored. It has Live Streaming feature through you can Go Live and also you can check out saved videos.


Custom E-Commerce Solution

Custom E-Commerce solution is interface with having Admin panel and order management system. Which is Related to help you and your environment in a natural way.
Technologies: React.js, Node.js, ExpressJs, MongoDB, Payment Integration.

Custom E-Commerce Solution

Custom E-Commerce solution is interface with having Admin panel and order management system. Which is Related to help you and your environment in a natural way.


The Order Manager interface for baemingo-connected apps. Manage incoming orders, process them and mark them completed. Complete with history view and management system. Make sure to enable notifications.
Technologies: Android, iOS, React.js, React native, GraphQL, Nodejs.


The Order Manager interface for baemingo-connected apps. Manage incoming orders, process them and mark them completed. Complete with history view and management system. Make sure to enable notifications.


Grow Africa

Grow Africa works to increase private sector investment in agriculture, and accelerate the execution and impact of investment commitments. The aim is to enable countries to realize the potential of the agriculture sector for economic growth and job creation, particularly among farmers, women and youth.
Technologies: Drupal, Jquery, HTML, Javascript.

Grow Africa

Grow Africa works to increase private sector investment in agriculture, and accelerate the execution and impact of investment commitments. The aim is to enable countries to realize the potential of the agriculture sector for economic growth and job creation, particularly among farmers, women and youth.